Envisioning a Bright Economic Future for Broome County

Envisioning a Bright Economic Future for Broome County

A strong economy starts with development that fits community needs, preserves quality of life, and creates good-paying jobs. That’s the vision for the Broome Technology Park.

This vision has its roots in Broome County’s proud history of technological innovation and aims to secure our community’s place in Upstate’s high-tech renaissance. By working together, we can develop a shovel-ready site that can serve as a statewide model for sustainability, preserving natural amenities, and delivering economic promise for generations to come.

Developing Broome’s Next Tech Park

Broome County’s abundance of peaks and valleys make it one of the Southern Tier region’s pillars of natural beauty. This geography, however, makes it challenging to develop large tracts of land for economic development.   For decades, Broome’s site development needs were supported by the 600-acre Broome Corporate Park in the Town of Conklin. With initial construction beginning in 1984, the Broome Corporate Park is home to national companies such as Dick’s Sporting Goods Distribution Center, Amazon, Trivium Packaging, Lineage Logistics, and Universal Instruments Corporation. As of today, there is only about 50-acres remaining which is across several tracts of [...]

2024-06-11T08:24:41-05:00April 17, 2024|

Building Today To Support Our Economic Future

The Broome County IDA is exploring developing a business park that will bring new technology-based companies to the area; enable existing companies to expand; provide long-term jobs to retain and attract skilled workers; and serve as a hub of collaborative economic activity. Business parks foster economic growth through job creation and tax revenue. Locating these parks in areas with untapped potential allows local governments to promote economic activity, increase job opportunities; and enhance residents’ quality of life. Requiring robust infrastructure, these parks are the catalyst for improved roads, utilities, and data networks. Our vision is to build a park using [...]

2024-06-11T08:24:46-05:00March 5, 2024|
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